Mountains Matter – National Philanthropy Day, 2018


Whether they are home to human populations, flora and fauna, valued destinations for outdoor adventurers, or inspiration for art and culture, our alpine environments matter more than ever.

The ACC has, since its formation 112 years ago, made a priority of being stewards of our mountain environments. It was part of our Constitution in 1906 and it’s true today.

Photo: Zoltan Kenwell

acc members value the environment

In our membership survey in 2017, we asked our members to rank the importance of the benefits of membership and the Club’s work in preserving the alpine environment was ranked third most important, just behind our hut system and getting outside with friends on ACC trips.

Excerpt from 2017 ACC Membership Survey: ACC members were asked to rank the importance of all of the benefits of membership. Our environmental work was ranked third overall, with 58% of all members rating it as important or very important. This sentiment was consistent in all geographic areas of Canada and across all age groups.

Members have told us in surveys they want more focus on conservation and thanks to philanthropic support, we are doing more. And this is just the beginning.
— Lael Parrott, ACC Vice-President for Access & Environment

National Philanthropy Day

Today (November 15) is National Philanthropy Day in Canada and the US. If you’re planning on making a gift, we graciously ask that you consider the ACC’s Environment Fund as the destination. We’ll use your gift to create a legacy of environmental improvement in Canada’s alpine areas.

Photo: Zoltan Kenwell

What the Environment Fund has been doing

Through the generosity of members and friends like you, we are protecting fragile wilderness areas, creating greater, more responsible access, and expanding the Club’s role in mountain stewardship and advocacy.

The Environment Fund has empowered the ACC to:

Photo: Zoltan Kenwell

  • Work in partnership with the Royal Canadian Geographic Society to build public awareness and engagement, particularly with young Canadians.

  • Publish an annual State of the Mountains Report harnessing science, culture and community to disseminate mountain science to the public.

  • Award multiple grants to support worthy environment projects among our sections and partners.

  • Develop a smartphone app to allow members to share their experiences in the mountains.

  • Provide financial and in-kind support to many scientific projects and expeditions.

  • Advocate to governments for responsible access and conservation.

  • Bring you more mountain stories on our new webpages and blog posts.

Today officially kicks off the holiday giving season. And this year, there are more reasons than ever to celebrate the Club’s Access and Environment initiatives.

We believe that the mountains are truly a gift. It’s the ACC’s goal to “give this gift forward” to the next generations by preserving our wild spaces for those who follow us.

The Alpine Club of Canada is where people come to find others who cherish time in the wilderness.

Whether you are strapping on crampons for the first time or adding a new ascent to your checklist, you will find a welcoming community here that shares your passion.

Our club is able to deliver exemplary alpine experiences at extraordinary value because of the commitment and the generous support of our community. Our club delivers great value and fellowship, enriches lives, promotes and protects our natural spaces. But our community’s needs and interests are changing and we need to keep pace.

Kristy Davison