We are researchers that go on expeditions hundreds of kilometres offshore of British Columbia to study the deep sea. We use remotely operated vehicles (ROVs – robots with cameras, lights, sensors, and sampling equipment) that remain tethered to the vessel and transmit data and imagery by cable technology to the team studying from above. The dives descend from the sunlit surface and enter a world of darkness, where we turn on the ROV lights to illuminate an incredible world in the depths of our ocean. Not just barren plains as once thought, our deep sea has an incredible density of Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas (EBSAs), where life thrives in the deep. These include seamounts that rise over a kilometre above the ocean floor, hydrothermal vents from which super-heated and mineral-rich water spews from the ocean floor, tall stands of coral and sponge gardens, and cold seeps where gas bubbles out of the seafloor.
Read MoreWe are researchers that go on expeditions hundreds of kilometres offshore of British Columbia to study the deep sea. We use remotely operated vehicles (ROVs – robots with cameras, lights, sensors, and sampling equipment) that remain tethered to the vessel and transmit data and imagery by cable technology to the team studying from above. The dives descend from the sunlit surface and enter a world of darkness, where we turn on the ROV lights to illuminate an incredible world in the depths of our ocean. Not just barren plains as once thought, our deep sea has an incredible density of Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas (EBSAs), where life thrives in the deep. These include seamounts that rise over a kilometre above the ocean floor, hydrothermal vents from which super-heated and mineral-rich water spews from the ocean floor, tall stands of coral and sponge gardens, and cold seeps where gas bubbles out of the seafloor.
Read MoreLa consommation d’énergie dans les refuges du Club alpin du Canada a beaucoup changé au cours du dernier siècle. Les premiers refuges de montagne canadiens, au début du vingtième siècle, étaient des structures simples en rondins ou en pierre locaux conçues comme des abris de base contre les éléments. La consommation d’énergie se serait résumée à brûler du bois de chauffage collecté localement. Plus d’un siècle plus tard, la demande en énergie dans les refuges est plus élevée, l’opération s’enracine dans des valeurs de conservation, et la transition vers l’énergie renouvelable réalise ses premiers pas. Toutes ces raisons méritent qu’on retrace l’évolution des besoins énergétiques dans les refuges et les facteurs qui ont influencé ces changements au fil des ans.
Read MoreEnergy usage at Alpine Club of Canada huts has changed greatly in the past century. The first mountain huts in Canada, early in the twentieth century, were simple structures built from local logs or stone and intended for basic shelter from the elements. Energy usage would have amounted to burning locally gathered firewood. More than a century later, energy demand at the huts is higher, operation is rooted in values of conservation, and we’re in the early stages of a move to renewable energy. For all of these reasons, it’s worth charting the evolution of hut energy needs and the factors that have affected these changes through the years.
Read MoreLes Nations Unies ont déclaré 2025 comme Année internationale de la préservation des glaciers, et le 21 mars la Journée mondiale des glaciers, pour sensibiliser au rôle critique que jouent les glaciers, la neige et la glace sur les systèmes climatiques locaux et mondiaux, et pour reconnaître les impacts sociaux et économiques qu’entraîneront leurs changements.
Read MoreThe United Nations has declared 2025 as the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation (IYGP) and March 21st as the World Day for Glaciers, to raise awareness of the critical role of glaciers, snow, and ice on local and global climate systems, and to recognize the social and economic impacts that changes will bring.
Read MoreL’hiver dernier, la chute de neige tardive et inhabituelle, les températures chaudes et la pluie, et les défis de l’enneigement artificiel faisaient parler de changement climatique dans les files d’attente du Canada, pendant que des pentes boueuses et vertes apparaissaient dans les médias sociaux.
Read MoreThis past winter, late and unusual snowfall, warm temperatures and rain, and challenges with snowmaking meant talk of climate change was heard in lift lines across Canada, with green and muddy slopes surfacing across social media.
Read MoreQu’est-ce qui vous vient à l’esprit lorsqu’on vous introduit au guidage autochtone? Si vous êtes comme la majorité, ce seront des images des années 1800 où des guides indiens remontent des cols de montagne avec David Thompson ou Jimmy Simpson, en portant de lourdes charges sur des sangles.
Read MoreWhat comes to mind when you hear the words “Indigenous guiding?” If you are like most, early 1800 images of Indian guides with hulking loads on tumplines moving up mountain passes with David Thompson or Jimmy Simpson probably come to mind.
Read MoreParcs Canada a récemment annoncé que l’accès des véhicules personnels ne serait plus autorisé au lac Moraine. Les visiteurs du parc national Banff désireux d’accéder au lac, à l’un de ses sentiers de randonnée ou à l’une de ses voies d’escalade disposent de trois choix :
Read MoreParks Canada recently announced that personal vehicles will no longer be allowed to drive to Moraine Lake. Visitors to Banff National Park hoping to access the lake or one of its many hiking trails or climbing routes have one of three options.
Read MoreLe 22 août 2022, Mary Sanseverino et Lael Parrott, tous deux du Club alpin du Canada, ont retracé les pas de Wheeler. En travaillant pour le projet Mountain Legacy, Parrott et Sanseverino ont repéré l’emplacement exact du poste de prise de vue de Wheeler et répété les images captées 119 années plus tôt.
Read MoreOn August 22, 2022, Mary Sanseverino and Lael Parrott – both from the Alpine Club of Canada – retraced Arthor O. Wheeler’s footsteps. Working on behalf of the Mountain Legacy Project, Parrott and Sanseverino located the exact position of Wheeler’s camera station and repeated the images taken 119 years earlier.
Read MoreDans cet article, Alexandre Bevington and Brian Menounos résumerons des travaux récemment publiés qui mettent à jour les cartes des glaciers de l’Ouest canadien grâce à de nouveaux outils de cartographie automatisés.
Read MoreIn this article, Alexandre Bevington and Brian Menounos summarize recently published research that updates maps of western Canadian glaciers using new automated mapping tools.
Read MoreEn avril 2022, les Stoney Nakoda ont achevé un rapport qui considère la réintroduction du bison dans le parc national Banff (Mînî Rhpa Mâkoche) selon un point de vue culturel autochtone.
Read MoreIn April 2022, the Stoney Nakoda completed a report, “Enhancing the Reintroduction of Plains Bison in Banff National Park Through Cultural Monitoring and Traditional Knowledge” (The Stoney Bison Study), that considers the bison reintroduction to Banff National Park (Mînî Rhpa Mâkoche) from an Indigenous cultural perspective.
Read MoreLes communautés autochtones de la Colombie-Britannique (C.-B.) ont des liens profonds avec leurs terres, et sont disproportionnellement affectées par le changement climatique.
Read MoreIndigenous communities in British Columbia (BC) hold deep relationships with their Lands, and are being disproportionately affected by climate change. Community climate resilience is an emergent body of work that examines select indicators to create an overall picture of climate resilience in human communities.
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